I find it interesting that native English speakers add the words "with me" or "on me" when starting something like "I have some money". In Japanese we do not say these words when we want to say "I have some money". For example, we just say "お金がある" (okane ga aru) or "お金をもっている"(Okane wo motteiru) when we want to pay for our own food at restaurant. Both of them can be translated literaly into "I have some money", so the words "with me" or "on me" are not included.
I think that in the English language it's common to add words after verbs like "with me" in the sentence "I have some money -with me". Also, we don't understand why, in English, the word "Of" is added into the phrase "I think OF him". We just accept it but we don't really know why.
I suppose if you just say the words "I think him" then you would feel as if the sentence is incomplete. English speakers say things like "I think him a good person" or "I think he is a good person" it seems that people have the need to add words after the word "Think". So, I think saying "I think him" would sound strange to a native speaker. But if the "Of" is introduced to the sentence, then it doesn't mean like "I think him a good person" but it just means "I think of him". So native English speakers introduce the word "Of" into a sentence to express that you are thinking about them.
In Japanese we say "彼を思う(kare wo omou)" in place of "I think of him". If we translate it into English literally as a word for word translation, it would be "I think you". So Japanese people have a hard time understanding why the words "With me" or "Of" are included into these phrases.
I suppose we can understand beter if we think within ourselves as to why these words are added. In fact that adding words in like "Of" means you have feelings for the person. Or that you truely are thinking what you are saying. The sentence wouldn't make sense to just say "I think him" or it would be thoughtless.
(This essay is the corrected version of my diary which is in "lang-8". http://lang-8.com/73855/journals/231594
A native speaker Mr.AzumiRM kindly corrected it and teach me those right answers for my question about the word "Of" in the sentence "I think of him". So I just have written the corrected sentences by him and his answers into this essay.)
Japanese green tea with Japanese sweet "Anmitsu"
This is the restaurant. In Japan, if you go to some restaurants which serves Japanese meal, you can get Japanese green tea freely. So we don't have much restaurants which serves Japanese green tea with charging money. So when we want to "drink" something in town, it means that we go to coffee shop (except for going to vending machine which serves canned drink).
I ordered "Anmitsu Hime"(あんみつ姫) which means "Princess of Bean Jam". We say Anmitsu as black bean jam. Anmitsu Hime has also a hot Japanese green tea.The name is 深むし茶。It means that "a deep roasted green tea".
Both of them were delicious.The green tea smelled good. Anmitsu hime has not only the black bean jam also an ice cream and banana and pine apple and an agar.They matched well each other.
I drunk and ate them alone but someday I want to go to the restaurant with someone who I love haha.
送信者 Yojiro Fukuda |
送信者 Yojiro Fukuda |
Swimming with two kids

I teach some 2 kids as their teacher.I taught them how to write composition and Kanji(Chinese characters), and English.
When I taught English to them,I show the English words which used in TV games like "Super Mario Brothers" because they like it. So I thought that the best teaching for them was to learn what they like or they are good at. I always think that the best way to teach them is to build their strength more. They are already good at playing TV games, writing Kanji, saying plain English words, etc, so I have to put something important onto their strength.
By they way, recently I taught them also how to swim.They said that they couldn't do breathing in and out of water, so I taught them it.How to breath in swimming is simple, you just "exhale" when you're in water, and just before you're above water you quit the exhaling, at last when you're above the water you again "exhale" quickly so you can get to "inhale" automatically.So, how to inhale is to do exhale.I taught them it.
They understood it well soon when we're in a pool.After that, I tried to teach them how to swim the crawl but it's difficult.So I enjoy playing with them in a more deep length pool.I hold their body and run in the water rapidly. They looked enjoying with it.
Now Japan begins to be the rainy season. But soon we will meet the summer which has shiny days. I love summer so I look forward to it.

I'm a Japanese trying to write a diary in English. My English is not good but I want to make my English better so I'll try to keep this diary.
This is my personal data:
My name:Yojiro Fukuda(福田 陽二郎)
What I like : To think about Philosophy, Political Thoughts, Language, History, Mind and Behavior.
To swim,To talk or write in English.
My job: Part time tutor to some little kids.
Birth: 1976/3/14
Where I live: Kagoshima City, Japan.
OK, I have to go to swim now.Thank you for reading.
(The picture is a famous Volcano "Sakurajima"(桜島) near my House.
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