
I look forward to installing a new OS on my computer

My current OS is Ubunutu, which is a Linux OS. Since I removed Windows XP from my computer 3 years ago, I keep on using Ubuntu.

Now I can't use my webcam on Skype with ubuntu for some reason I don't know. So, I think that if I upgrade my Ubuntu with the new version, the problem might be fixed.

I hope I will be able to talk on skype with my webcam in the future.

Here the link to the OS. http://www.ubuntu.com/

(This essay is the corrected version of my diary that is on "lang-8".

A native speaker Lynkusu on Lang-8 kindly corrected me)

Below is the Japanese version:

私が今使ってるコンピュータのOSはUbuntuで、リナックスの一種です。3年前にWindows XPを削除して以来、ずっとUbuntuを使い続けています。

